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LMIA Based Work Permit

Work Permit Based on LMIA

Employers are actively looking for international professionals and workers to fill positions in this cutting-edge business due to the rising need for professionals in Canada's IT/Tech sector. In order to work in Canada, foreign nationals in the IT/Tech sector have a variety of temporary work visa options.

Approximately new foreign employees enter Canada on a regular basis with temporary work permits.

Outside workers typically need a work visa to work temporarily in Canada, but there are a few exceptional exceptions.

however, and it’ll take weeks, You must follow a multi-step process in order to obtain a temporary work permit for Canada. A work permit can be obtained in a variety of ways, depending on your profession, country of origin, skills, and intended line of activity in Canada.

Whenever a Canadian employer has to issue a temporary work visa to a foreign worker, they must do so with either an endorsement from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) or an Offer of Employment number granted by Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

As per your country of citizenship, you may need to take a Temporary Resident Visa( TR- V) to move to Canada.

Step-by-Step Procedure For LMIA Application.

Step 1: Prior to hiring a non-Canadian citizen, Canadian employers should make an effort to recruit Canadians and permanent residents. Depending on the occupation and location, employers must promote the post for at least four weeks.

The LMIA application will ask you for information about your hiring efforts, including the number of Canadian applicants you received for the position, the number of job offers you made, the number of unqualified applicants you received, and the reasons each Canadian applicant was turned down for the position.

Step 2: The LMIA Application form (EMP5553) is submitted by the Canadian Employer, who also pays the required fee.

When sending the LMIA Application form, Canadian employers must include the name of the foreign national they wish to hire.

If appropriate, Schedule D – Skilled Trades Job Offer – Employer#2 (EMP5595)

Employment offer signed by the foreign worker and the company.

The work permission is provided

Foreign employees may occasionally be able to obtain a work permit without an LMIA; these work permits are referred to as LMIAs. Exempt work permits and providing the following information

  • Transnational agreements, like North American Free Trade Agreement( NAFTA), Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement( CETA), or Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans- Pacific Partnership( CPTPP);

  • The Canadian interest:
  • ➤ In the occasions of significant profitable, social, or artistic benefits to Canadians.
  • ➤ Youth and schoolteacher exchange programs.
  • ➤ The transnational scholars studying in Canada fulfill academic conditions similar to hutch placements.
  • ➤ The accompanying consorts common- law mates of some work permit and Study Permit holders staying in Canada to work in Canada
  • ➤ For doing charitable or religious work.
  • Some other situations for the persons living in Canada for reasons other than the below said, similar to making for an exile claim, need to support themselves.
  • Some endless Hearthstone aspirants in Canada.

The Canadian temporary work permit will be issued at the point of entry by a Canada Border Services Agency( CBSA) officer at the time the foreign worker arrives in Canada.

A temporary work permit’s validity ranges from many days to many times.

utmost of the Canadian work permits are employer-specific, else appertained to as “ Closed Work Permits ” and given for a specific job in Canada.
Accordingly, a foreign worker may only work for the employer specified on the work permit. As similar, if the foreign worker finds a different employment and doesn’t yet have endless occupant status, the foreign worker should apply for and admit a new work permit previous to changing employers or their job in Canada.

In some situations, Canadian immigration regulations allow for Open Work Permits, which aren’t employer specific.

The Scholars ( University Professors)

In-Depth Depth There is no other appropriate Labor Market Impact Assessment impunity that applies to this post because it is for an academic.
Details are provided here for non-Canadian workers who required a work permit but did not complete a Labor Market Impact Assessment.

  • Post-doctoral fellows;
  • Research award donors;
  • prestigious individualities, like leaders in different fields;
  • Guest speakers;
  • Visiting professors;
  • Citizens of the U.S. and Mexico appointed as professors under the university, council, and seminary situations of the North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA); and
  • Citizens of Chile appointed as professors under the Canada- Chile Free Trade Agreement( CCFTA).
Variation The Canadian employer should conduct reclamation sweats as per below
  • Employers need to announce open positions in Canada
  • Employers need to make sure any opening position announced outside Canada is also announced contemporaneously in Canada
  • They should announce at least a month to allow broad exposure of the vacancy to Canadians and endless resides;
  • Employer should prove the advertising medium used( web, print, or electronic) is effective in attracting applicable campaigners for the position;
  • Include in the announcement this statement “ All good campaigners are encouraged to apply; still Canadians and endless resides will be given precedence ”;
  • Need to Meet all conditions of applicable collaborative agreements;
  • Outline the educational institution’s hiring decision and give summaries of Canadian aspirants vindicated by the vice chairman( academic) or another elderly academic functionary of the educational institution; and
  • Be set to fill out a monthly summary report on reclamation practices for Canadian academics and results.
The below effects apply to All Businesses

The counsellors at camp

The job is for a camp counselor who will work in Ontario, according to the specifics.

Alternative: The employer should present documentation (such as employment offer letters) demonstrating past efforts to hire Canadian campers as well as a written pledge. Also, the business must promise to conduct recruitment drives at high schools and post-secondary institutions in the spring.


*Ontario alone is where the aforementioned things apply.

The below effects are applicable to Quebec only

The Collaborative Logrolling Agreement That Stipulates Internal Reclamation.

In Details: The opening is part of a collaborative logrolling agreement that contains vittles for hiring/ promoting through internal staffing processes. This pertains to cases where a temporary Canadian started employment, as per the originally approved LMIA and work permit, but who has, through an internal hiring process — quested for a collaborative logrolling unit through a Collaborative Logrolling Agreement( CBA) — was named to a different job. In this case, a new LMIA and work permit would be needed since the Non-Canadian worker was hired for a different job.

Variation In this case, an internal advertisement for the position, as per the CBA, will serve to satisfy minimal advertising conditions. Specifically, the employer should give an internal advertisement of the occasion for creation. All members of the Collaborative Logrolling Unit should have had an occasion to apply for the position.

It’s important to note that an internal advertisement for a position can only be accepted as minimal advertising conditions for workplace positions that are covered by a CBA, which stipulates internal reclamation. This doesn’t extend to elevations granted in other scripts.

The below effects are applicable to All Businesses

The Employer Associations

In Details: An employer association can be authorized to announce on behalf of one or further of its members.

Variation: An employer association advertising for positions on behalf of an employer, or a number of employers, needs to announce as per the general advertising conditions for NOC 0, A, B, C and D.

When the time submitting the employer LMIA operation we’ve to submit the below documents

The Employer Associations have to submit the inked Appointment of Representative form, specifically authorizing the third- party representative to act on their behalf. Service Canada may communicate employers to corroborate the authorization and ask report on reclamation sweats, to show the job opening was announced, and ask to submit clones of the announcements, the number of PR aspirants, and why they weren’t hired.

Still, are conducting advertising for further than one job for the same employer, or are flashing for multiple employers, If the employer associations. The payment range should always include the prevailing pay envelope for the job.

The below effects are applicable to All Businesses

Entertainment Sector

In Details: The job is for a particular occupation in the entertainment/ media sector where a worker is frequently hired for a veritably any number of days, in a particular geographical area, and on veritably short notice(e.g., bar bands, prizefighters, DJs, musicians, film directors vocalizers, and first assistant directors for point flicks and commercials, crucial actors, artists, film or TV crew for short products and commercials, etc.).

Variation: No advertising or reclamation is needed.

* The below effects are applicable to All Businesses

Hiring By A Foreign Government

In Details: The employment is with a transnational association or the charge of a foreign government but isn’t pure under Section 186( work permit not needed) or Section 204( business caller under GATS or NAFTA) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.

Variation: In these circumstances, the transnational association or foreign government will have named the foreign public according to its own process and in light of its own conditions. No advertising or reclamation is needed.

The below thing is applicable to All Businesses

In-Home Caregiver

Canadian employers hiring in-home caregivers under the TFW Program should follow the same reclamation conditions set out for high-pay envelope occupations or low-pay envelope occupations.

Variation: when the time of the announcement, employers don’t need to list the business address(e.g. home address) as part of the announcement. still, they should include information regarding the position of work.

Employers may not list their full name but rather can use their first name only or another reasonable identifier.

On- ranch Primary husbandry( Advanced-professed And Lower-professed Occupations)

In Details: Canadian employers hiring temporary on-Canadian workers to work in on-ranch primary husbandry have specific advertising criteria that should be met for

  • Advanced- professed jobs like ranch directors administrators and technical beast workers ( specifically National Occupational Bracket ( NOC) canons 8251, 8252, 8253, 8254, and 8256); and
  • Lower-professed jobs like general ranch workers, nursery and hothouse workers, and harvesting sloggers ( specifically NOC canons 8431, 8432, and 8611).

Variation: For fulfilling the minimal advertising conditions, Canadian employers should announce on the public Job Bank or its parochial/ territorial counterpart in British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, the Northwest homes, Quebec, or Saskatchewan. The announcement should be there

  • At least 14 timetable days starting from the first day the announcement appears and is accessible to the general public; and
  • It should three- a month period before the Canadian employer applies for an LMIA.

Canadian employers need to conduct reclamation conditioning harmonious with the normal practice for the occupation for at least 14 timetable days. To meet this demand, employers should choose one or further of the following ways

  • Announce on well- known Internet employment spots
    like Monster, Workopolis, Indeed, etc
  • Announce in original and indigenous journals, and newsletters;
  • Announce in ethical journals and Internet spots;
  • Announce in original stores, places of deification, and community resource centers
  • Announce in original and indigenous employment centers.
The announcement should mention the below points
  • Company legal and operating name;
  • Business functional address;
  • Title of employment;
  • Employment duties( for each position, if flashing further than one vacancy);
  • Terms & Conditions of employment;
  • payment;
  • Other Benefits package being offered( if applicable);
  • Geographical position of employment( original area, megacity, or city);
  • Company contact information telephone number, cell phone number, dispatch address, fax number, or mailing address; and
  • Necessary chops conditions
  • Education; and
  • Work experience.

Third-party representatives or babes can be the main contact for any job announcements posted on behalf of the employer. still, the announcement should be listed under the employer’s Canada Revenue Agency business number.


If the post is for business owners and does not mention those who receive shares as a part of their remuneration plan, see Details. In order to be considered an owner/operator, the non-Canadian must:

  • Demonstrate a degree of ownership or control over the company, such as by being the only shareholder or the single proprietor;
  • Demonstrate how this temporary entry will result in job opportunities for Canadians and permanent residents being created or maintained, as well as how skills will be transferred to Canadians and permanent residents; and,
  • You cannot be dismissed.

Variation: In this instance, job advertisements are not required.

The aforementioned is true for all provinces.

Religious educators

Details: If this position is for a teacher at a private, religious school (Other Religious Occupations, NOC 4217). This variation only applies when the independent school is granted authority by the provincial Ministry of Education to determine the credentials of their instructors in accordance with each faith.

Variation: Three months prior to submitting an LMIA, Canadian firms should post job listings on the national Job Bank (or the provincial equivalent) or engage in similar recruitment activities relevant to the occupation (such as advertising in church publications).

The aforementioned is true for all provinces.

Agricultural Seasonal Employees

The position is for a seasonal agricultural worker who will work in Quebec as part of the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program, according to the specifics (SAWP).

Variation: Employers in Canada must undertake their hiring procedures in the manner described under Temporary Work Permits for Work in Quebec.

*Only Quebec is applicable to the aforementioned points.

Specialist Service Providers and Specialized Service Technicians

The time window for the work is constrained and there is no way for Canadians to be trained if the task requires an expert with specialized knowledge and/or experience connected to the activity to be performed.

Examples of situations where this variation might be applicable include (but are not limited to):

  • If maintenance is required for machinery or equipment made outside of Canada and the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) lacks Canadian licensees who are qualified to perform the job (the equipment is typically no longer protected by a warranty or after-sales agreement);
  • To conduct the work or supervise and direct Canadians performing the work, someone with the requisite proprietary knowledge, experience, and/or tools from the OEM (or an authorised OEM licensee), who is presently unavailable in Canada, is required;
  • Equipment that needs service because it is so old (no longer being produced) that special components need to be made or new parts need to be adjusted by an OEM-approved technician or representative.

No recruitment or advertising is required in this instance.

All provinces can use the aforementioned items.

Warranty Work

In Specifics: If the work involves the installation, inspection, or repair of equipment and the warranty’s terms mandate that it be completed by qualified personnel chosen by the manufacturer.

Variation: In this instance, no recruitment or advertising is necessary.

The aforementioned factors apply to all provinces.

(A) Category

Companies in Canada with high rates of growth that can demonstrate a genuine need to bring in a special talent from abroad come under Category A. A designated referral partner should refer employers in this category to the Global Talent Stream.

The list of Designated referral mates for employers positioned outside Quebec includes the below associations.

  • Vancouver Economic Commission
  • Accelerate Okanagan
  • Atlantic Canada openings Agency
  • BC Tech Association
  • Burlington Economic Development Corporation
  • Business Development Bank of Canada
  • Canadian Economic Development for Quebec Regions
  • Cape Breton Partnership
  • City of Brampton
  • City of Hamilton’s Economic Development Office
  • City of Mississauga
  • Community Tech Corporation
  • Council of Canadian originators
  • Economic Development Winnipeg
  • Edmonton Economic Development
  • Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
  • Genesis( Newfoundland)
  • Global Affairs Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service
  • Government of Alberta, Alberta Labour
  • Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology
  • Government of Manitoba, Manitoba Education, and Training
  • Government of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia BusinessInc.
  • Government of Ontario, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation, and Trade – Ontario Emigrant designee Program
  • Government of Ontario, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation, and Trade – Ontario Investment Office
  • Government of Prince Edward Island, Island Investment Development Inc.
  • Government of Saskatchewan, Ministry of the Economy
  • Halifax Partnership
  • Tech Manitoba
  • Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada – Accelerated Growth Service
  • Invest in Ottawa
  • Invest in Canada
  • Kingston Economic Development Corporation
  • Launch Academy
  • London Economic Development Corporation
  • Mars Discovery District
  • National Research Council – Industrial Research Assistance Program( NRC- IRAP)
  • Privy Council Office, Special systems Team
  • Regional Municipality of Niagara
  • Regional Municipality of York
  • Sarnia- Lambton Economic Partnership
  • Toronto Global
  • City of Oakville
  • Venn Innovation
  • Waterloo Region Economic Development Corporation
  • Windsor Essex Economic Development Corporation

The employers from Quebec are advised to consult Quebec’s Ministry of Immigration, Francization and Integration website( French only) for getting the list of designated referral mates for Global Talent Stream located in Quebec

(B) Category

For jobs on the Global Talent Occupations List, this category of companies prefers to hire specific highly talented employees from outside Canada since there is a dearth of domestic labour supply and a high demand for these jobs in the global market. Please get in touch with us for the most recent revisions to this list, which is routinely updated to reflect changes in the labour market.

Global Talent Occupations List for Category B

NOC CodeOccupationMinimum Hourly RateMinimum Annual Salary
213Computer and information systems managersPrevailing wagePrevailing wage
2147Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)Prevailing wagePrevailing wage
Sub-set of 2161*Mathematicians and statisticians
* Positions for actuaries or related occupations are excluded from this subset.
Prevailing wagePrevailing wage
2171Information systems analysts and consultantsPrevailing wagePrevailing wage
2172Database analysts and data administratorsPrevailing wagePrevailing wage
2173Software engineers and designersPrevailing wagePrevailing wage
2174Computer programmers and interactive media developersPrevailing wagePrevailing wage
2175Web designers and developersPrevailing wagePrevailing wage
2281Computer Network technicians$39.42 or higher prevailing$82,000 or higher prevailing
2283Information systems testing technicians$38.46 or higher prevailing wage$80,000 or higher prevailing wage
Sub-set of 5131**Producer, technical director, artistic director, and project manager for video game visual effects The position requires a minimum of three years of experience in the visual effects, video game, or animation industries in one or more of the following roles: producer, technical director, creative director, artistic director, or project manager, senior coordinator, department manager. It also requires three years of work experience in at least one or more of the following areas that are pertinent to the visual effects, video game, or animation industries: surface and look creation, character or simulation rigging, matte painting, team or budget management, or pipeline development and use for the creation of visual effects, video games, or animation.$37.50 or higher prevailing wage$78,000 or higher prevailing wage
Sub-set of 5241***Electronic media and design The role requires at least one of the following digital media design talents, as well as three years’ worth of industry experience: Level editing for digital media design, software editing for digital media design, pipeline software development or applications relevant for 3D modelling, compositing, paint and roto, layout and match move, digital environment and matte painting, texture, lighting shading, character effects, effects and simulations, design and scenario, rigging, user interface or user experience, responsive design (for gaming), virtual reality, augmented reality, digital media animation, and$38.46 or higher prevailing wage$80,000 or higher prevailing wage



The payment of skilled workers is subject to requirements that must be met by Canadian employers in both A and B categories. Non-Canadian employees employed through the GTS ought to be paid at least the going rate. According to definitions, the prevailing salary is the largest amount of either:


  • The minimum salary floor as specified in the Global Talent occupations list;
  • The median salary for the position listed on the Government of Canada Job Bank;
  • The wage within the range an employer pays current employees in the same position at the same location, with the same skills, and experience; and (if applicable).

Salaries in the Global Talent Stream

Employers in Canada must pledge to offer the following salary levels.

  • For the first two unique and specialized occupations requested under Category A, a minimum annual payment of $80,000, or an annual salary equivalent to the existing wage for that occupation if it is greater than $80,000. For two or more of the distinctive and specialized roles requested under Category A, or, if it is more than $150,000, an annual compensation equal to the wage for that position at the time it was posted. The application of the salary requirement for extra positions requested under Category A, according to ESDC, is rigid;
  • The Global Talent Occupations List’s listed minimum wage for the occupation of highly skilled employment requested under Category B;
  • The salary that falls within the range of wages paid by the employer to current employees who were employed for the same position and location, and who possessed the same qualifications and years of experience;
  • The median salary listed on the Job Bank of the Government of Canada. In Canada’s job bank, the median wage is shown by community or area, by job title or National Occupational Classification (NOC) code in the middle column.

Exemptions from work permits in the global talent stream.

Two types of workers are now free from the necessity of obtaining a work permit in this stream.

Without a work permit, highly trained individuals may enter Canada to work for 15 days every six months or for 30 days every year in NOC occupations with a skill type 0 or skill level A.


For 120 days within a 12-month period, researchers may enter Canada to conduct research projects at publicly funded degree-granting institutions or linked research institutions without needing a work permit.

The Employer Associations

In Details: An employer association can be authorized to announce on behalf of one or further of its members.

Variation: An employer association advertising for positions on behalf of an employer, or a number of employers, needs to announce as per the general advertising conditions for NOC 0, A, B, C and D.

When the time submitting the employer LMIA operation we’ve to submit the below documents

The Employer Associations have to submit the inked Appointment of Representative form, specifically authorizing the third- party representative to act on their behalf. Service Canada may communicate employers to corroborate the authorization and ask report on reclamation sweats, to show the job opening was announced, and ask to submit clones of the announcements, the number of PR aspirants, and why they weren’t hired.

Still, are conducting advertising for further than one job for the same employer, or are flashing for multiple employers, If the employer associations. The payment range should always include the prevailing pay envelope for the job.

The below effects are applicable to All Businesses

Temporary Foreign Workers in Quebec

A category

In order to engage a foreign worker on a temporary work permit, a Quebec-based firm must also obtain a CAQ and a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

The CAQ attests that Service Canada’s opinion that hiring a foreign worker will have a neutral or positive impact on the local labour market is shared by the Quebec Ministry of Immigration, Diver site, and Inclusion (MIDI). The requirement for this qualification is waived for employment in Quebec that lasts no longer than 30 days.

LMIA-exempt employees do not need to have a CAQ in order to work in Quebec.

If you intend to enroll in school in Quebec, you should:

Before requesting a Canada Study Permit from the Canadian federal immigration authorities, one must first get a CAQ. The candidate must first obtain a letter of admission from a Recognized Learning Institution before submitting a CAQ application for a study program (DLI). Certain people might not need a CAQ before applying for a study visa. A person may also be excused from the requirement for this certificate if they are exempt from the requirement for a study permit.


You don’t need a CAQ or a study permit if you want to undertake a six-month or shorter study program. Therefore, to determine whether a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) is necessary,

Short-Term Work Permit Exemption

Two categories of people are eligible to enter Canada to work under the Global Skills Strategy (GSS) streams without needing a work permit.

If the Global Skills Plan does not require a work permit for you, you should submit an application for a temporary resident visa (TRV) or, if necessary, an electronic travel authorization (ETA).


In order to be eligible for the work visa exemption, Research must show:


  • They will spend 120 days a year working in Canada:
  •  Students will conduct their research at a Canadian degree-granting institution or a research institution that is linked with it.

Highly Qualified Personnel

In order to be eligible for the work visa exemption, Highly Skilled Workers must show:

In accordance with the National Occupational Classification (NOC), they will be employed in a position that falls under skill type 0 (executive, managerial) or skill level A (professional); they will also be based in Canada for one of the following periods:


  • A maximum of 15 days straight once every six months; or
  •  O A maximum of 30 straight days once every 12 months.


When your exemption from working under the Global Skills Strategy expires, you should stop working. You can either opt to apply for a work permit or wait until you are qualified for another exemption under this heading.

Call +91- 93153 02842 for more details and to initiate this exciting process of settling in this beautiful and progressive nation: Canada.

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