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Work Permits for Post-Graduation

The conclusion of your academic career as an international student studying in Canada need not spell the end of your stay in the country. In fact, one of the expedited routes to obtaining permanent residency in Canada is thought to be studying here.

Many students utilize their education as a launching pad for short-term employment and long-term residence in Canada. Let's examine one of the most common methods in more detail, the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) in Canada, to find out who is qualified to apply and how it functions.

Permit to Work After Post-Graduation


Many foreign students who finish their higher education in Canada typically stay and gain work experience there. Students may apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWPP), which enables them to work in Canada, once they have finished their studies in a program at an accepted Canadian postsecondary institution.

The Post-Graduation Work Permit Program has recently undergone revisions made by the Canadian government to make it more adaptable and sensitive to the demands of overseas students. International graduates can now acquire a three-year open work visa under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program, enabling them to work for any Canadian employer in any sector. It is not necessary for them to already have a job offer from Canada when they apply.

Remain in Canada after graduating

There are a number of programs you can apply for if you choose to stay in Canada after you graduate.

You can acquire essential Canadian work experience with the help of an IA post-graduation work permit, which opens up the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) visa to you. This program may be granted for up to three years, or the length of your academic program.

For instance, if you successfully complete a four-year degree program, you can be qualified for a three-year work permit. You would be qualified for a work permit that was only good for eight months in Canada if you completed an eight-month certificate program.

Class with Canadian Experience

For temporary foreign employees who want to immigrate permanently, there is a category called the Canadian Experience Class (CEC). Also, temporary foreign employees are excellent prospects for immigration to Canada and permanent residence.


Applications for immigration to Canada under the Canadian Experience Class are processed through the new Express Entry system. Before submitting an application, eligible candidates must declare their desire to immigrate to Canada, register for Express Entry online, and wait for an invitation to apply for permanent residence.

Programs for Provincial Nominees

Some provinces provide immigration options for graduates who have earned their degrees in that province and want to remain in the country to work or launch their own business. The following provinces provide these opportunities:

  • • Canadian Columbia
  • • In Manitoba
  •  Nova Scotia
  • • Labrador and Newfoundland
  •  Newfoundland
  • • Ontario
  • • Isle of Prince Edward
  • • Canadian provinces

Call +91- 93153 02842 for more details and to initiate this exciting process of settling in this beautiful and progressive nation: Canada.




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